Many law firms are often surprised at the cost of legal marketing services. You might think it’s just a few words on a page, so why does it cost so much? Before you decide to go it alone with your content marketing, here’s what you get for your dollar with a professional legal marketing firm.

The cost of a simple legal marketing program is based on the desired results of the client, and it varies from firm to firm. A 15-page website can be priced between $3,000 to $5,000 for engaging content, site optimization, and basic NAP (Name, Address, and Phone).

However, if your firm is looking to increase client calls and case intakes from the site, then you will need more in-depth legal marketing. Let’s take a look at the three common product breakdowns for your firm:


Content and Blogging:

Content is the heart of your website. It is what drives traffic and clients to your firm. You could do-it-yourself or hire a cheaper agency, but you are just buying respun and recycled content. Take a look at other firms, and you will notice that their blogs sound the same. That is because they are hiring unprofessional writers or using interns to write content. Content is king, and you don’t want to leave that to an amateur.

You can expect to pay between $75 to $105 per 500-700 words, and that includes optimization and proofreading. If you are in a large metro area like Orlando or Chicago, you need to stay ahead of the competition. You should think about 12 to 18 blogs a month with 2 to 4 pages of new content.


Name, Address, and Phone (NAP)…plus Legal Directories:

In today’s world, you need a plan for internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). A large percentage of a marketing plan is focused on the setup and management of your social media accounts. This management also involves listing your firm with various directories to drive traffic to your website. Some of these search engines, legal directories, and social media accounts include:

  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • Bing
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn


You are looking at a time frame around 200 hours for the setup and 10 hours per month for maintenance. With a cost of $12 to $20 per hour, many firms can expect to pay from $3,840 to $6,400 per year.



Video Production and Marketing:

Video production can vary for your law firm. Mobile phones are making the process easier to shoot a video and post it to your website. Professional production costs with editing can range from $3,000 to $12,000 for 10 to 15 videos.

Once your video is completed, you will want to share it to the world. Video marketing is another cost to consider, and you can expect to invest another $2,000 to $3,000. With marketing, you will have a professional who will design your YouTube channel, along with setting up syndication, hosting, and analytics.

There are other miscellaneous items to consider for your professional marketing plan. Paid searches, public relations, and other marketing are often not included with a monthly SEO plan.

While this may seem like a high price for your law firm, we can work together to get a great marketing plan for every budget. You need to come up with a plan, hire a professional content marketing firm, and make the marketing company give you options to meet your law firm’s needs that will also fit within your budget.

Carlson Creative Services is a legal content marketing firm working exclusively with law firms and attorneys. We will improve your digital marketing strategies to see results, increase your case intake, and reach your marketing goals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for your law firm.